Patient Protocols for Arrival and Departure
In compliance with the College of Dental Surgeons and Health Canada, Kazman Family Dental will be revising patient protocols to help eliminate the spread of COVID-19.
Patients MUST inform the office, prior to their appointment, if they are having any symptoms of COVID-19 within 14 days of their appointment. Patients who screen positive for COVID-19 should contact their primary care provider or call Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.
Upon entry to the office, we will be asking ALL patients about the presence of symptoms associated with COVID-19.
Kazman Family Dental will be performing temperature checks on patients upon entry to the office. Should a patient report of exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 we will be deferring the appointment until the patient has consulted with their physician and/or after they are symptom free following 14 days of self-isolation.
Kazman Family Dental requires ALL patients and visitors to always wear a mask in the office, except during the provision of care.
Patients who arrive without a mask will be provided one by staff or be required to reschedule their appointment.
We require individuals accompanying a patient to wait outside the practice unless absolutely required (e.g parent with a child or a patient requiring accommodation)
Kazman Family Dental requires all patients and guests to perform hand hygiene upon entering and exiting the office. Hand sanitizer will be provided by the office.
Kazman Family Dental will be disinfecting all patients surfaces between visits.
Physical distancing will be enforced between all people in the office except while providing patient care.
In compliance with the College of Dental Surgeons and Health Canada, Kazman Family Dental will be revising office protocols to help eliminate the spread of COVID-19.
Patients MUST inform the office, prior to their appointment, if they are having any symptoms of COVID-19 within 14 days of their appointment. Patients who screen positive for COVID-19 should contact their primary care provider or call Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.
Kazman Family Dental will limit the number of patients in the practice at one time and stagger appointments to support physical distancing.
Kazman Family Dental will require all patient to rinse with hydrogen peroxide for 60 seconds prior to examination of the oral cavity, as this may help decrease oral pathogens.
Kazman Family Dental will ensure office housekeeping, including cleaning and disinfection of high-touch surfaces (eg. doorknobs, handrails, counters, arms of chairs)
Kazman Family Dental will have operatories and the reception area equipped with HEPA filters.